Beyond the checklist: addressing fleet maintenance challenges for safer roads


As professional drivers, we all know the importance of carrying out a daily vehicle walkaround check before hitting the road. However, despite best efforts, vehicle
management and maintenance can still pose significant challenges for many companies.

According to a recent survey conducted by Teletrac Navman, 39% of fleet managers reported that vehicle management and maintenance is their biggest challenge. Poor systems and/or practice can lead to breakdowns or accidents caused by mechanical failures and, in some countries, regulatory compliance penalties.

Fortunately, there is a solution: technology. Electronic logging devices (ELDs), mobile apps, telematics systems, and RFID tags are just a few of the technologies available to streamline the pre-trip inspection process and improve overall vehicle management.

But even with these available solutions, many companies still face barriers to using them. Some may not be aware that they exist while others may not have the resources to invest in them. There can be resistance to change or challenges to integrate these solutions into existing processes.

That’s where the anet360 eye-tracking solution comes in. Technology that is easy to use, flexible, and provides instant, objective, data-based feedback to drivers on how they undertake vehicle checks.

With our solution, drivers can understand areas where they might make mistakes or miss important items in real-time, which makes a significant improvement to their performance. Not only does our solution help companies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of their vehicle check procedure but it also reduces the risk of accidents and breakdowns, improving
safety standards and creating a more safety-conscious culture. Ultimately this saves time and money in maintenance and repair costs.

But we don’t stop there. Our solution not only provides a streamlined process for vehicle checks but also helps companies to collect, document, and share knowledge with new drivers or newcomers. We understand that training new drivers can be a time-consuming and expensive process. That’s why we offer our road transport expertise, experience, and consultancy services to complement our technology. Our team of experienced professionals can work with you to create tailored training programmes that meet the specific needs of your business. We can help you identify areas of weakness, develop best practices, and train your drivers to conduct thorough vehicle checks efficiently and accurately.

And the best part? Our solution doesn’t cost a fortune. We believe that technology should be accessible and affordable for all companies, regardless of their size or budget. At anet360, we’re committed to providing solutions that make a real difference in the lives of professional drivers and the companies they work for.

We believe that by using technology to streamline vehicle management and maintenance, we can reduce accidents, improve safety, and ultimately make the roads a better place for everyone.

With our technology and consultancy services, you can be confident that your drivers are fully equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct thorough vehicle checks. We understand that every business is unique, which is why we take a personalised approach to every assignment. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and expertise necessary to improve the efficiency and safety of your operations.

Contact us today to learn more about how our technology and consultancy services can
benefit your business.