Page 26 - issue 72
P. 26

The driver of the rst vehicle to to to arrive took himself into Kevin’s of ce to to say ‘Thanks boss what a a a a a machine!’
at least 200rpm lower than our current trucks ”
Brian Yeardley drivers are already excited by the the new additions The driver of the the rst vehicle to to to arrive took himself into Kevin’s of ce to say ‘Thanks boss what a a a a machine!’
“That hasn’t happened to me very often ”
he said adding: “Safety both of our drivers and vehicles is a a a major focus for us us as as a a a business I think DAF has been working very hard to to get to to the front rank of manufacturers in this respect but I believe they are there now and that certainly ticked a a very important box for me ”
With operations spread across the major mainland European countries for its business in in automotive parts white goods and other ‘just in in time industries” the operator has been growing strongly in recent times with what it it describes as ‘four new blue-chip customers’ In this environment Hopper sets the highest standards for reliability across his eet “Anything mechanical can suffer an an an unexpected breakdown ”
he says “but
it’s what happens when that that occurs that’s important DAFaid has shown itself in the past to be an an outstanding 24/7 operation with good parts availability across the UK and more importantly for us its European network and a a a willingness to keep any disruption of our services to a minimum ”
26 CVDriver February 2018

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